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HeidelbergCement has just launched the 5th edition of the Quarry Life Award.
Meet the first two Common Cranes ever to be born in Belgium.
Restoring nature is a marvellous thing. It’s great for wildlife, of course, but it’s also highly beneficial to human beings.
The EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy, published at the end of 2020, plans for a 25-fold increase in offshore wind capacity by 2050, together with a significant deployment of wave, tidal, thermal, and other marine renewable energy.
We are one month on from the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, with another 119 months to drive the transformational changes to address the climate and ecological emergency – an emergency that had been brought into sharp focus by the heatwaves and fires raging in British Columbia and Siberia.
Another month, another seabird.
Business as usual and mass funding of nature destruction under new European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
BirdLife Europe, together with partners in Cyprus and the University of Exeter, is working to understand and address the incidental catch of vulnerable species across the island.
Business as usual and mass funding of nature destruction under new Common Agricultural Policy
Finding space in the sea is a task easier said than done. Every inch of the ocean is dedicated to a specific activity, whether it is economic, social, or environmental. Shipping, fishing, sand, oil and gas extraction, wind parks, and marine protected areas are all competing in a limited space, defined by borders that are not always respected.
Who runs Europe’s farms? In many ways, the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy does.
Seven years after the last reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) entered into force, the EU, which has exclusive competence in this area, is yet to succeed in fulfilling its objectives.