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Read our most popular flagship reports below, or follow the links to the Data Zone to see a comprehensive list of our science and policy publications.

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Business Plan for the Conservation of the Caribbean Slope of Mexico, Central America, and Colombia (2025)

The forests of the Caribbean Slope have long been a haven for migratory and resident birds. However, these ecosystems now face threats such as deforestation, land invasions, mining, climate phenomena, and more. This Plan, developed by BirdLife International in collaboration with a wide range of experts and organizations from the involved countries, aims to address these challenges by prioritizing actions to protect habitats, reduce deforestation, restore degraded areas, and strengthen local communities with integrated solutions. 

Conservation Investment Strategy for Resident and Migratory Birds of the Chocó-Andean Region in Northwest Ecuador (2022)

The Chocó bioregion and area of endemic biodiversitysaddles the Ecuador - Colombia border and totals approximately 100,000 km2. Its conservation priority is critical due to habitat loss caused by human activities. In northwestern Ecuador, this area of approximately 18,542 km2 is known as the Chocó-Andes. It covers an altitude range between 0 to 3,800 meters above sea level and is home to unique species of birds such as the endangered Black-breasted Puffleg (Eriocnemis nigrivestis), a hummingbird endemic to the Chocó and Central Andean Páramo. It is also an important area for migratory boreal species such as the Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea). 

Making a Difference (2022)

As we face a crisis that threatens nature, our climate, and our very existence, we all need to step up and change the way we treat our planet, our one home. We need to make a difference. 

State of the World’s Birds 2022

The latest edition of BirdLife's flagship science publication provides insights from birds on the biodiversity crisis and the solutions needed.  

Canada Warbler Full-life-cycle Conservation Action Plan (2021)

Following the assessment of the Canada Warbler by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada in 2008 and its subsequent listing as Threatened under Canada’s Species At Risk Act in 2010, this plan was created with the vision of working towards “healthy and viable populations of Canada Warblers across the current range and extent of occurrence”. The Canada Warbler was re-assessed as Special Concern in Canada in November 2020. 

Birds and Biodiversity Targets (2020)

What do birds tell us about progress to the Aichi Targets and requirements for the post-2020 biodiversity framework?  

State of Africa’s Birds: Indicators for our changing environment (2018)

Africa is rich in biodiversity. It is home to a quarter of the global biodiversity and hosts the world’s largest intact mammal population. Of the 2,477 bird species in Africa, 1,400 (57%) are endemic to the continent. A network of 1,248 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) has been identified in Africa, covering a combined area of two million km2, roughly seven per cent of the continent 

The Messengers (2015)

What birds tell us about threats from climate change and solutions for nature and people. 

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: A global network for conserving nature and benefiting people (2014)

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) are sites of international significance for the conservation of the world’s birds and other biodiversity. They also provide essential benefits to people, such as food, materials, water, climate regulation and flood protection, as well as opportunities for recreation and spiritual fulfilment.