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Together, we can protect birds and nature, so that all life on our planet can flourish. Donate today to protect species.

Nature is at a tipping point

There are 1 million species at risk of extinction. More than any other living beings, birds tell us where and how we can make the greatest difference; they’re nature’s early warning system.

Your donation could:

Protect 726 globally threatened bird species through the work of the BirdLife Partnership.

Save 2,000 of the most important sites for nature, including 2 million hectares of the most important rainforests in the world.

Inspire more than 10 million people globally to support BirdLife’s conservation work.

The next ten years are crucial; become part of a worldwide community of people who care about birds and conservation.

Thank you for standing with us, together we’re a force of nature for the planet and the future. 

Donate today

£ 25
could buy two beehives to provide wildlife-friendly income for families in Burkina Faso
£ 50
could help support a rapid response team get to a vulture‑poisoning
£ 100
could insulate an energy pilon to prevent vulture electrocutions in Africa
£ 500
could pay to host an event to raise community awareness of Endangered shorebirds in Asia