Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ)
Mission of the organisation
- Conservation of birds and biodiversity
- Education about protection of birds, nature and biodiversity
Key Activities
- Protection of threatened species and their habitat: Managing over 3600ha (8900acres) of our own Wild Bird Protection Area mainly for Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis) and Blakiston’s Fish-owl (Ketupa blakistoni)
- Other threatened species protection activities: Japanese Murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume), Izu Islands Thrush (Turdus celaenops) Latham’s Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii), Marsh Harrier (Circus spilonotus) etc.
- Running 2 own Bird Sanctuaries; Red-crowned Crane wintering spot and large-sized waterfowl migrating station site
- Other conservation activities: IBA sites, natural energy (wind farm, solar farm) problems, illegal poaching, legal proposals and lobbying etc.
- Education: Spreading the importance of ecosystem and biodiversity through weekly basis birdwatching events held by 89 chapters (regional groups of members) throughout the country
- Cooperating to manage 6 local government’s nature reserves by sending staff as wardens/nature interpreters
- Publications (field guide books, pamphlets, brochures and posters)
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