Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds (USPB)
The mission of USPB is to conserve the biodiversity of Ukraine by saving birds, sites and biotopes.
Key Activities
- Study and preservation of birds, their natural habitats, rehabilitation of deteriorated habitats
- Developing the network of coordinators and caretakers to monitor Important Bird Areas and conduct other activities
- Advocating and assisting in the establishment and supervision of reserves within areas important for one or several threatened bird species
- Cooperating with governmental agencies to improve environmental legislation and its implementation
- Organising conferences, meetings, discussions, lectures, contests, exhibitions, courses, field trips and other events to promote ornithological and environmental ideas
- Organising and promoting ecotourism activities
- Publications about birds, nature, sustainable use of natural resources
- Establishing regional branches, maintaining membership base
- Soliciting volunteers for practical work
- Working closely with teachers in an effort to engage students
- Emphasising the importance of membership
- Carrying out assessment of the impact of wind farm developments on ornithological interests