Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) / BirdLife Romania
SOR is working to protect and study Romanian biodiversity with a particular focus on wild bird species and their habitats.
Key activities
- Monitoring programs: Common Bird Monitoring, International Waterbird Count, breeding roller population, great bustard presence in Romania, white stork population and more.
- Field conservation work on birds (Red-breasted goose, Dalmatian pelican, Saker falcon, Imperial eagle, Lesser kestrel) and habitats (Danube Islands, European Biologically Important Forests, Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Dumbraviţa Fishing Complex, „Pike Lake” Nature reserve etc.);
- Identifying, designating and promoting of Romanian IBAs and lobby work for their designation as SPAs (so far about 70% of these IBAs are officially declared SPAs under the EC Birds Directive);
- Advocacy work with national and regional governments and institutions (regarding the protection of Natura 2000 site, the hunting activities, the agricultural practices, the wind farms development, the sustainable use of natural resources etc.).
- Running public awareness and environmental education programs, promoting knowledge of birds, their life, and support for nature protection for positive attitude towards wild birds and nature.