Belize Audubon Society (BAS)
Belize Audubon Society (BAS) is a non-governmental, membership-based organization dedicated to the sustainable management of Belize’s natural resources through leadership and strategic partnerships with stakeholders for the benefit of people and the environment. Established in 1969, BAS is the oldest conservation organization in Belize, with significant experience in successful protected area management, managing seven protected areas, approximately 180,000 acres of the National Protected Areas System.

“Belize Audubon Society is carrying out vitally important work, not only in the conservation of over 180,000 acres of protected areas, but in educating Belizean adults and children on the importance of the environment and why conserving protected areas matters. As a volunteer, I am proud to be supporting the work of Belize’s oldest and largest conservation organization and seeing the impact that has on both people and the environment in Belize.”Natalie Blachford, Volunteer