BirdLife is a global family of over 110 national conservation organizations who work both on a local level, and as part of the global BirdLife Partnership, forming a collaboration far greater than the sum of its parts.
Together we influence local, national and regional governments, work with international agreements, and engage with the private sector to bring about smarter and more sustainable decision-making. Our advocacy lays the groundwork for better environmental and social policies and practices. On the ground, we work alongside indigenous people, local communities and youth groups to power effective conservation action.
Birdwatching, Senegal © Nature Communité Développement BirdLife Malta: changing hearts and minds through education © Kristina Govorukha Ngoleagorbu Cocoa Farmers Union in Gola Sierra Leone © B Horvath
Together we strive to engage, educate and mobilise the general public to support and be champions of nature. We push for a just and equitable society where we acknowledge that nature is fundamental to our well-being.
We aim to make positive change to nature and society in four key areas:
- More people reached through awareness and engagement
- No net loss of nature commitments by sectors, commodity chains, and companies
- More people actively supporting nature conservation
- More of financial firms mainstreaming nature in their investments, and reporting/risk assessments