Help fight Climate Change by making a donation to BirdLife International
Climate change is happening, it is largely caused by human activities, and it presents a catastrophic threat to nature and people now, and in the future.
Without ambitious and immediate mitigation efforts, global average temperature rise this century will exceed the globally agreed goal of pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Climate change and global warming have profound implications for BirdLife International’s conservation priorities and approaches. It affects the populations and distributions of species, the composition of ecological communities, and nature’s provision of goods and services for people – such as food, fuel and clean water. Climate change also compounds other major threats to biodiversity, such as invasive alien species, habitat fragmentation and overexploitation.
BirdLife International’s Climate Change programme work combines cutting-edge science, policy analysis and practical experience to advocate and deliver appropriate climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions for nature and people and to ensure an equitable, carbon neutral and nature-positive future.
- BirdLife International delivers ground-breaking research on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, to inform better decisions on the ground.
- By working to conserve and manage forests, peatlands, grasslands, wetlands and other habitats, through Nature Based Solutions (NbS), BirdLife’s Partnership of 115 national organisations is helping to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and support climate-smart Partner projects.
- BirdLife supports nature-sensitive renewable energy deployment and delivers solutions to governments, investors and developers to ensure these do not negatively impact biodiversity.
- BirdLife advocates for nature-sensitive and climate-smart safeguards in Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
- Our work shows that supporting community engagement and action can build the resilience of natural and societal systems.
- BirdLife advocates for the importance of healthy ecosystems to be recognised in national, regional and international climate change and development policy.
We work across every level; from grassroots projects through to national level decision-making and to regional and global policy processes, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This means the actions for which we advocate are well informed by local experiences, and ensures that the voices of local communities are heard in national and international decision-making forums.
BirdLife continues to engage with and seek to inform financial institutions and developers on suitable nature-sensitive and climate-smart safeguards and investment activities that will ensure that biodiversity and ecosystem considerations are incorporated in lending decisions and implemented on the ground.
BirdLife International’s Position on Climate Change
BirdLife International Climate Change Programme Brief
Nature-based solutions for an equitable, carbon-neutral, nature-positive world: insights into the BirdLife International Partnership’s impact on the ground
Nature restoration for green recovery and beyond: principles and best practice from BirdLife’s experience
BirdLife International’s Policy Position on Nature-Based Carbon Offsetting
How we are fighting climate change
Birds and Biodiversity Targets
What do birds tell us about progress to the Aichi Targets and requirements for the post-2020 biodiversity framework?