Lithuanian Ornithological Society (LOD)
Lithuanian Ornithological Society seeks to conserve all bird species in Lithuania by protecting their habitats and, through this, to work for the world’s biological diversity and the sustainability of human use of natural resources.
Key Activities
- Managed the Nemunas river islands in the delta and surrounding area, an IBA and Ramsar site
- Prepared regulations for the management of national reserves
- Participated in a multi-national Baltic development project
- Finished fieldwork on the Lithuanian breeding bird atlas
- Completed a second IBA inventory, identifying 39 sites, and continued to survey potential new IBA sites
- Conducted a national survey of Capercaillies. This species has disappeared from half of the country during the last century and will disappear altogether if no action is taken. LOD negotiated a network of reserves to protect the most important Capercaillie leks within Department of Forest protected areas
- Lobbied with other NGOs against plans to enlarge an airport on Kuronian Spit, an important bottleneck area for migrating birds
- Organised a network of volunteers to raise conservation awareness with people taking part in a summer census of Mute Swans. The campaign received mass media publicity
- A multi-country project targeting elaboration of updated national IBA publication and book of the Baltic Sea Marine Protected areas was finished with financial support of the Danish East Europe Environment Fund and co-ordinated by DOF – our leading partner and BirdLife partner in Denmark, in 2000. The national IBA database was updated and the book “Important Bird Areas in Lithuania” was published. The Ministry of Environment implemented the results when preparing a national NATURA 2000 network proposal
- LOD finished a national inventory of Capercaillie leks. The proposal for preparation of a national forest management plan was made
- The Lithuanian Ornithological Society finished Lithuanian Breeding Bird Atlas five years field studies and preparation of a special book for its publishing. The book will be a source of information about breeding bird distribution most valuable regions and areas for anyone interested in studying them
- LOD have moved to its new office in 2000. Vogelbescherming Nederland has sponsored purchasing of a new three room LOD office in Vilnius town. Money was accumulated from the membership
- The “WHITE STORK” (Baltasis gandras – in Lithuanian) production was continued with financial support of the State Media Foundation since 1995. Our membership magazine on nature conservation (not only birds) is the only one in the country which focuses on nature issue without link with hunting, fishing or other commercial animal and plant commercial use. Since 2000 it became bimonthly magazine
- Membership newsletter was produced twice per year in 1500 copies and distributed to all existing and some potential LOD members
- Studies on globally threatened Aquatic Warbler and Steller’s Eider were made and practical recommendations for their conservation were elaborated
- Excursions and camps for the public were organised in connection with annual LOD members’ meeting-conference, Spring Bird Arrival, World Birdwatch, Bird Rally events