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We stand up for birds, nature and our planet

As birds vanish at an alarming rate, we take action to reverse the trend and to keep common birds common. Together with our Partners, we are the collective voice of millions who care deeply about birds, nature and the climate.

Through advocacy and action, we push for bold policies to tackle urgent environmental challenges and protect endangered species and habitats.

Guided by a shared vision of a thriving planet for both people and nature, we rally communities at local, national, and regional levels through petitions, protests, and other impactful actions, to create lasting change.

Ongoing campaigns

Ban lead now!

Lead is toxic. There is no safe level of lead exposure. That’s why it’s already banned in petrol, paint and pipes. Yet more than 44,000 tonnes of lead still enter the EU environment every year through hunting, sports shooting and fishing. This pollution poses a severe risk to wildlife, ecosystems, and human health and must end now!

Slovakia’s steppe birds need you!

Slovakia’s rare steppe habitats, and the birds that depend on them, are in crisis. Species like the European Roller, Redshank, and Black-tailed Godwit are losing their homes to plowing, habitat destruction, and declining grazing. Yet, in a shocking decision, Slovakia’s Minister of Environment has refused funding for a critical LIFE project to restore 700 hectares of steppe habitats across nine protected bird areas, even claiming, “Slovakia doesn’t have steppes.” Conservation efforts are now at a standstill, and SOS/BirdLife Slovakia need your support to make sure these vital ecosystems survive.


Stichting BirdLife Europe gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission. All content and opinions expressed on these pages are solely those of Stichting BirdLife Europe. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.